Monday, 8 September 2014

International Research Institute for Sport Studies update

Professor John Horne has been invited to participate in two sessions at the 2014 Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) in Portland, Oregon, USA, in November.

One double session includes a panel of scholars to consider the 'big picture' for the field of sociology of sport.

The roundtable discussion features: Toni Bruce, Jay Coakley, Peter Donnelly, Kiernan Gordon, John Horne, Annelies Knoppers, Montserrat Martin, Catherine Palmer, George Sage, Kimberly Schimmel, Lawrence Wenner, and Belinda Wheaton.

Organised in conjunction with the upcoming 50th anniversaries of the International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) and its scholarly journal, the International Review for the Sociology of Sport (IRSS), papers and roundtable discussion make assessments on the trajectory, challenges, and future of the sociology of sport, both in terms of the field as a whole and in assessments of specialty areas that define the contours.

John will speak on 'Sports Mega-Events and Capitalist Modernity', and a paper with the same title will be published in a special issue of the IRSS in 2015.

In October, Andy Carmichael commences a part-time PhD supervised by Professor Horne and Dr Jess MacBeth on 'Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviour in English Football'. Andy will examine the current state of environmental management in the sport of football in England.

In addition to the investigation of English clubs and organisations, the study will also consider the impact of international governance in the sport. Comparisons with other nation's environmental behaviour in football, other sports' environmental behaviour and other industry sectors environmental behaviour will also be considered.

IRiSS's first postgraduate student Sadie Hollins (who received her PhD for a thesis entitled 'Intersections of Economy, Environment and Locality at the London Olympic and Paralympic Games 2012' last year) has recently been appointed as Associate Research Fellow in Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Exeter.

Sadie will contribute to a project funded by The FA examining the effects of changes made to the competitive structure of grassroots youth football (e.g. pitch size, player numbers, league structure) for the 2014-15 season.

Speakers have been contacted for the IRiSS Research Seminars and full details will follow soon. The seminars (all on Wednesdays, Greenbank Building, GR350, Preston, PR1 2HE, at 3pm) are scheduled for the following dates: 2014: 19 November; 17 December; 2015: 28 January, 18 February and 11 March.

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