Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Research seminars

The International Research Institute for Sports Studies (IRiSS) have a series of Research Seminars scheduled for the first three months of the year.

On Wednesday 29 January Professor Garry Whannel from University of Bedfordshire presents 'Reflections on the London Olympic Games: festival, spectacle, media and sponsorship', while Wednesday 19 February sees the University of Salford's Professor Garry Crawford discuss 'Is it still in the Game? (Re) considering sport-themed video games and the rise of mobile gaming'.

As part of the UCLan Distinguished Visitor Programme, Professor Wolfram Manzenreiter (above) from University of Vienna is scheduled for Tuesday 11 March to present 'Gambling and Sport in Japan'.

All seminars commence at 3.00 pm in Greenbank Building, GR 348, Preston, PR1 2HE.